Wednesday, November 27, 2013


It was the most magnificent entry into a port as we ever so slowly sailed into Venice along the Giudecca Canal, looking down from the top deck of our cruise ship, a birds eye view over the colourful rooftops, past the Piazza San Marco, the Doge's Palace, and the many canals leading into the city. Venice is known as La Serenisima, the Serene Republic and from this fantastic vantage point it seemed all that until we actually set foot onto land where the congestion of tourists hardly gave it a peaceful atmosphere.
What an intriguing city with it's maze of canals and bridges, higgily piggily narrow streets, street vendors and gondoliers. Once again, an afternoon with too few hours to explore so much, but what we did see was fascinating.

Piazza San Marco

St Mark's Square

The Campanile or bell tower which stands 323 feet topped with a golden weather vane in the form of the archangel Gabriel.

St Mark's Basilica

The Clock Tower with mechanical 
bell ringers marking the hours

The Rialto Bridge along the Grand Canal

Our 12 day cruise has come to an end and what an amazing adventure it has been. We have seen and learned sooo much and yet realize that it was just a minuscule taste of the Mediterranean.


  1. Thank you for the window into your tour and I am looking forward to the photos from India. You have such a gift in framing your photos with words!

    Speaking of windows, I am saving a very special book to read on my birthday. I occupies a very special place on the top of our new bookshelf in the sun room! Thank you.

    ( It was a dark and stormy night the day Christal was born... that was forty years ago)

  2. First how did you get a picture of the angel on top of the tower? This looks like an amazing place to be snapping pictures everywhere you turned. Beautiful Venice.
