Friday, November 28, 2008


My new found joy in blogging has been on hold for the past two weeks.
I arrived home on Wednesday evening to find things pretty much like I had left them - carrot marmalade still sitting on the kitchen counter, an empty fridge and a husband happy to have me home again. No, I wasn't on vacation as someone asked, but rather on 24/7 Gramma duty for two rambunctious little boys. Mama was resting in the hospital waiting for the new arrival and Daddy needed to be at work, and visit mama, and be ready to run when the exciting event would happen. It was confirmed to me again why we are built to raise children in our younger years. It takes a ton of energy! I had lots of fun playing, reading, driving to kindergarten, going to play group and mom's 'Take-a-Break', visiting mama, cooking up some delicious goodies, tucking tired boys in at night, and trying to keep my eyes open to knit and purl those rows on baby's blanket. Bedtime was so welcoming even if it was on some old sponges on the floor. Thank goodness for Adrenaline which keeps us going. Now that I am home my body is complaining a little but it was worth it all to be available to my family in this new season of retirement. And I think the boys still like me! Thank-you Grampa for helping me with all your imaginative play with your grandsons and spending evenings with me.

Gramma, play with me!

Building tents and keeping watch on the bears!

Daddy and big brothers welcoming baby brother.

Another precious bundle. God's amazing knitting handiwork.
I better get busy with my knit and purl stitches - baby arrived early and winter is here!

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