Wednesday, November 6, 2013


BUENOS DIAS once again from another picturesque medieval city. As we approached Segovia we were awed with the massive Roman aqueduct at the entrance of the city. From the Plaza de Azoguejo we kept looking back at the expanse of these 118 arches standing 100 feet high, 25000 granite blocks built 2000 years ago without mortar to hold it all together. We kept pinching ourselves that we were seeing such antiquity when we come from a country that would seem a baby in comparison.
We passed many people in colourful costumes who were celebrating a feast of the harvest by bringing garden produce to the cathedral. Maybe that got our stomachs growling so we sought out a nice restaurant for a hearty soup, crusty bread and plates of beef and tortillas, which we learned are actually omelettes. With full bellies we were ready for more walking uphill and down, watching our steps over uneven cobblestones as at the same time trying to look up at towering steeples and spires.  

Roman Aqueduct

Iglesia San Esteban
One of Segovia's Romanesque churches.

Segovia Cathedral built in 1571

Renaissance Gothic design in the cathedral

Alcazar, a 11th century Royal Palace

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