Saturday, November 30, 2019


November had but 30 days with shorter daylight hours and lengthening shadows. It was when frost stole away the autumn flowers, the north wind blew the leaves astray but the maple tree outside my nook window blazed red in it's final glory. 

November saw the the song birds fly away to warmer climes leaving the Flickers and Quail to call their families together in our backyard to call out with their unique voices. The quail became markedly chubby as they fluffed up their feathers to brace for the cold

"I cannot endure to waste anything so precious
 as autumnal sunshine by staying in the house."
Nathaniel Hawthorn

The oak trees had a harder time letting go of their leaves all burnished in the sunshine.

Pyracanthra berries brighten a short cut through an empty lot.

Looking up at a London Plane Tree on my street.

A very 'pedestrian' but glorious sunset photo captured from an upstairs window.

And so quickly the month was over.

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