Tuesday, May 31, 2022


It is the last day of May and I can't believe how fast the month went by. I was consumed with planning our family celebration for the long weekend and it came and was awesome and we are left with lovely memories. More of that in my next post.

The weather this May was a rollercoaster of cold, wind, hail, hard rain storms, and sunny warm days.

I loved hearing the Mourning Doves cooing softly in the mornings and sometimes I would see one perched in the Maple just outside my bedroom window. I never tired of looking out at our small linear garden space and the shade garden with it's potted plants. Am amazed how things grew and flourished in the topsy turvy weather.

One of Kelowna's regional parks that was truly 
a mass of Golden Balsam Arrowroot.

May. — The very word makes the heart leap. Birds, Buds, Blossoms, Beauty! Break away from every bondage of circumstance or low spirits and go out into the sunshine. Answer back the bird-note in your heart, kiss your fingertips to every new blossom, and be a part of the spring. ~Eva D. Kellogg, "May," 1902

1 comment:

Edie said...

Fabulous oasis.