Tuesday, May 24, 2011


We spent the weekend in the southernmost part of our valley in Canada's only true desert biome, the NK'mik Desert in Osoyoos. I can't say it felt too much like a desert with a heavy rainfall at night and the rolling hills sporting a touch of green. But being the May long weekend it was just wonderful to get out in the fresh air and enjoy this diverse area of God's creation, taking the rain and the sun, heat and chilliness as part and parcel of spring camping.

What more could I have asked for?
A lakeside site, a warm trailer, delicious food,
good friends to play games with,
and a comfy chair in the sunshine with a good book.

A trail into the desert hills.

A vineyard rises up to meet a beautiful resort complex

The Osoyoos city lights reflecting in the calm lake captured our attention as they lengthened and shortened like a rainbow of pencil crayons.

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