Tuesday, January 31, 2012


"Winter is the time for comfort,
 for good food and warmth,
 for the touch of a friendly hand
 and a talk beside the fire;
 it is the time for home." 
Edith Sitwell

As winter slowly plods along and as my body has been forced by illness into a quiescent state, I keep getting a reminder from my Doctor  -  HIBERNATE!  As native to the northern hemisphere we experience short daylight hours and limited sunshine. Our bodies want to cocoon and retreat to a slower pace of life but unfortunately we have been culturally conditioned to maintain our frenetic lifestyles year round. About the only time us winter folks really become deactivated are snowdays, heavy snowfalls closing roads and schools. How I fondly remember those days from my childhood. But since snowdays occur very infrequently we should just determine to relish the dark, cold days, to not feel guilt ridden when all one wants to do is curl up by the fire with a good book for hours on end. Now that my winter hibernation has been four months  I am getting restless to break out of this dormancy, to step out in the sunshine and exercise my pale, flaccid limbs. So, here at the end of January after a long hibernation I am excited that I am going for walks in the sunshine, giddy with joy to be experiencing renewed energy, but also realistic that there may be the odd "snowday" for me if I get ahead of myself and find myself  back in a quiet place of rest and comfort.

Being the gal who loves posies, I have been delighted with gift bouquets that are brightening my home. Another sign that hibernation time is almost over is a renewed interest in trying those new recipes that I have poured over, and finally tackled scrumptious, comforting creations in the kitchen again.

 ( Russian apple cake)
from Smitten Kitchen

    Crockpot Casseulet with Buttermilk Cornbread

    Spring is coming,
 recovery from illness welcomed :)

" But if we hope for what we don't yet have, we wait for it patiently."  Romans 8:28

1 comment:

Melissa Fed said...

Thinking and praying for you often Trudy!