Sunday, December 7, 2014


An important part of Advent is preparation, both spiritually and physically. My readings this past week have taken me to reflections on being aware of God moments in each day;  of the star of Bethlehem which shone on a world gone wrong and continues to be at war, in contrast with the light shining on Mary who harboured the deepest meaning of the divine within her, and how today I can experience the divine intervention of light and life in my soul. I learned about waiting for God with a sense of purpose, to wait actively as in being present in the moment, to wait patiently, with hope, in community where we can encourage one another to keep the flame alive, and to wait with alertness to God speaking into my life. 
To prepare physically the twinkling lights were strung on the trees and bushes just outside our kitchen nook. And the Christmas tree was decorated with the very special help of my nine year old granddaughter Kyla who was 'over the moon' with excitement to be invited to this event. She and her brother came in their Pj's  and we made the evening festive with popcorn, gingersnaps and warm milk served in snowman mugs. The boys watched hockey while Kyla and I delighted in bringing the tree alive with baubles reflecting light. The next day there were three more sweet grandchildren who wanted to help, so the nativity set was unpacked and the role play began, carefully that is, as the figures are ceramic. A murmuring conversation was had between Joseph and the wise men while three year old Ella only needed mama and the baby Jesus to make her happy. What wonderful moments to refresh the meaning of God's coming, to once again stand in awe at the mystery of this momentous, historical event. God there and then, and God here and now.

This little bird ornament recently arrived from India and I bought it at a fundraiser dinner for Child of Mine, two childrens' homes that we help sponsor. It will remind me of all those lovely children whom we have met and who are preparing for Christmas as well. God with us here, and God with them there, together sharing the wonder of God's gift of light and life.


edie said...

The ornament is beautiful and also has great meaning to you. Must of been fun watching and hearing the grand kids playing out the story of Christmas.

bonnie's test blog said...

Beautiful blogpost Trudy. Gorgeous grandchildren.