Today I am celebrating the first year anniversary of my blog. So in keeping with my blog name PICKING POSIES, I gathered together all the rose buds left in my garden for a bouquet that I can watch unfold all week.
When I began this new adventure in the blogging world I asked God to show me beauty in the ordinary, in the small details of His creation, and it has been amazing what my eyes have been drawn to. It has made my heart glad!

" I love writing,
I love the swirl and swing of words
as they tangle with human emotions."
Marcel Proust

My love of photography and the desire to put words on paper melded together as the inspirations came. At first the writing seemed very laboured and the most difficult part of blogging was to click the publish button. So often I was grateful for the chance to go back and press edit to correct a glaring mistake or to add more colourful words. I am a novice writer and maybe someday I will take a poetry course to learn the right way to write!

" A perfectly healthy sentence, it is true, is extremely rare. For the most part we miss the hue and fragrance of the thought; as if we could be satisfied with the dews of the morning or evening without their colours, or the heavens without their azure." Henry David Thoreau
This being my 75th blog entry, I can say I have loved the challenge and opportunity to be creative. I stayed up too late many a night, and on sleepless nights found myself wandering downstairs to the computer to add some words or peruse other bloggers wonderful sites.

" Photography:
A picture painted by the sun
without instruction in art."
Ambrose Bierce
It is my privilege in this blog to share my heart, the truths of God, and the joy He gives me in my journey with him. Psalm 119 has many favourite truths for me and here are just a few out of a wonderfully long chapter.
" You're blessed when you stay on course,
walking steady on the road revealed by God ...
Open my eyes so I can see what you show me
of your miracle-wonders.
Break open your words, let the light shine out ...
Let praise cascade off my lips;
after all, you've taught me the truth about life!"
From: The Message
One year already! I am so glad you decided to start a blog. I have been encouraged, inspired, and blessed by things seen through your eyes in this year of journalling. Love you, Marmee!
Trudy, It was one year ago that I battled with the decision of starting a blog. I so wanted to, but was scared too!I love your photography! Blogging has made me want to become better at writing, photography, communicating and catching precious moments. I can so relate to what you're saying.
Congratulations on one year!
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