Colours can evoke different emotions and meanings for different people in different situations. For me, the colour YELLOW shines with optimism and happiness. Yellow is introduced to children at a very early age in the representation of the sun full of light, warmth and a happy face. I remember one of the first Sunday School choruses that I learned which still puts a smile on my face when I sing it for my grandchildren.
Heavenly Sunshine
H. J. Zelley - G.H. Cook
Heavenly sunshine, heavenly, sunshine,
Flooding my soul with glory divine,
Heavenly sunshine, Heavenly sunshine,
Hallelujah, Jesus is mine.

When the January sky is dull and the landscape bleak, a posy of yellow daffodils makes my heart glad. I couldn't resist them at the grocery checkout.
Golden glow of roasted garlic and butternut squash soup, set off with a dollop of fresh salsa.
One of my favourite hot beverages - lemon zinger tea sipped from a hand painted mug smiling with a happy yellow sunflower. The sun is shining this morning. Yeah !
How cheery! I feel warmer just from reading this post and seeing all your yellow. I might have to go hunting for yellow since everything feels grey and white over here!
Your blogs always make me feel warm and sunny.
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