Sunday, December 31, 2017


December:  A month that was so full of joy, so busy, so satisfying in experiences, and so rich in my own spiritual journey.

It was also the month with the least daylight, gloomy days with cloud inversions in our valley, lots of snow for someone else to shovel, too much delicious food with its ramifications to the body, and saddest of all, the news of the murder of a mother and her two beautiful children in our own city together with all the other acts of hate and violence around the globe which hardly resounded with "Peace on Earth, Goodwill to all Men."

December with the celebration of Advent and Christmas was a call to action;  a time to show small kindnesses, to sing in a small choral group at 12 care homes, a seniors drop in centre and Hospice. There was quality time to appreciate and love on family like there may not be a tomorrow, and to celebrate with a church community the truth of "Joy to the World, the Lord has Come."

To kick off December I treated myself to a coconut latte and a butter tart.

Winter art went up.

Advent is my favourite spiritual season when I surround myself with poetry and prose to be enriched with the theme of God's incarnation. Enjoyed a new devotional book by Henri Nouwen and a daily on line multimedia  devotional created by Biola University .

Baking is a tradition with dozens of cookies for our church's 27 annual Living Nativity. Then there were Zwiebach and Pfeffernuesse and a huge pot of Plumi Moos to prepare for the family.

Decorations went up for the first week of December

Several old ornaments on the tree.

Kyla and Avery came over to create 21 place cards for the family dinner.

Boxing Day is our family day starting with yummy baked oatmeal at Ray and Melody's house and a game called 'Family'
Mark had to put in a shift at work so we dropped by for a hot chocolate and to say Hi. He joined us after 3.

Then on to Karl and Lisa's house where a warm wood fire was blazing, 
cousin gifts opened and a few carols sung.

Look a like dolls for cousins are a surprise each year, but almost expected from our talented Shellbell doll creator. 

Cousins still enjoy drawing names for their gift exchange.

A reminder of the Reason for the Season
Lots of love for a resident Santa
Fazl socks to remind us of our friends in India

The Dinner table set at our house, or I should say three tables set for 21.

A short nap before the doorbell announces the arrival of the tribe.

Lots of yummy food 

A rare moment to gather ten wonderful grandchildren around us.

And that was Christmas and then the snow fell softly 

And on this last day of 2017
 a fun time making popcorn balls with Kaden for our New Years celebration
at Gardom Lake starting tomorrow.

A walk in our neighbourhood forest at the end of the year

The frozen creek in darkness lies
like covers closing on pages of the year,
Look beyond to brighter skies
of opportunity, adventure
as chapters in a New Year will arrive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful display of your family celebrating Christmas