Sunday, January 18, 2009


Weeks after the Christmas decorations have been unravelled and banished to the closet under the stairs, I feel like the house is so plain and bare. One last candle bouquet with pine greens and Oregon Grape just doesn't cut it anymore and I am longing for the posies of seasons past and seasons to come, so I've been on a search of what's on hand. 

Outside there is beauty in an ice crystal bouquet.

Hidden in the bowels of the basement
 waiting to be put out into summer's warmth,
I found this gorgeous, frilly, Hibiscus bloom.

An African Violet that I basically ignore,
 surprises me with a flush of pink blossoms.
This creamy Poinsettia just blends in with the decor,
 and so I have forgotten to admire it's soon fading leaves.

Good time to page through my favourite magazine,
 that I bought 10 years ago,
 and dream of posy bouquets to be picked in my garden
 after this winter season is done.

"Flowers are the sweetest things God ever made,
 and forgot to put a soul into."
Henry Beecher 1885

And then I realized that I didn't need posies to brighten my home as I have the sweet fragrant,
most delicate pink centerpiece gracing every room  these days.
And in this little precious little grandbaby is a God designed soul that responds with the most beautiful smiles, coos and squeals.

Serenity blooms.

My Heart is Glad!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trudy....I treasure the very same ROSE MAGAZINE.... My Delphiniums are poking through the ground on my patio..... something very delightful... when they bloom they will be a very dark purple like the plant Lydia used to sell purple in the book of Acts......sf