Friday, July 2, 2010


"The early bird catcheth the worm."
John Ray - 17th century

At the crack of dawn, at about 3:45 AM the early bird also has the first song of the day, the cheerily cheerily chirp reminding me that...
"This is the day that the LORD has made.
Let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24


The Western Meadowlark waiting for his turn ...

and when he sings it is
the sweetest flute-like warbled song.


The Magpie or 'robber' can be annoying!

Cupid's Dart

Bullock's Oriole

Pincushion Flower

This lonely, male quail was nattering at the stone dove for several days.

A little miffed?

He got down right persistent and brazen in his efforts to no avail. It still makes me chuckle.

Million Bells

A Brewer's Sparrow in the New Dawn rose arbor.

My garden fills my senses. There is so much delight in the intricate design of God's creation with it's beauty, scents, and songs.


Bonnie Heather said...

Grat blog Trudy; especially the quail story. I also love getting the names of the flowers and birds. Many I didn't know. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Trudy... that early bird has forced me to wear earplugs every night because that is one reason I don't want to wake up for... there are enough other reasons which I would never bore you with. My daisies from you are glorious this year but hey will want to wilt with the hot weather we are to have this coming week.....smf

Alyssa said...

Hi! I am Alyssa! I am Al's granddaughter. Come check out my craft blog! You are my great aunt and I am your great niece! ha ha. ;) If you like crafts, go to my blog