Saturday, June 1, 2013


My calendar, Colour My World, by Lisa Kaus was flipped this morning to this encouraging message for the month of June. 
Each past month and ones to come are scribbled in with names and events that have, or will fill my days with busyness and joy. The calendar becomes a diary of words that bring a flood of memories or  anticipation;  dinner with... , concert, babysit, camping, birthday, walkathon, plant flowers, overnight company, watch baseball, soccer, floor hockey, a track meet, a dance recital. And then there are all the unmarked joys that fill the hours amidst these important events, the everyday ordinary things that become extraordinary because they make my heart glad at the end of a day - a phone call, surprise guests at the door, an impromptu lunch, encouraging a sick friend with a meal, making a new recipe, a walk in the park, etc, etc. Life is FULL and GOOD.


Marilyn said...

It was so good to see you both yesterday. It was short but sweet. Hope to be back in the summer again for a visit. Hugs,

Marilyn said...
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