Thursday, December 12, 2013


 The visions of sugarplums began with a birthday gift for one 5 year old grandson, a precut, ready to assemble, candy included gingerbread house kit. Well, the icing did not hold, the walls collapsed again and again, so Gramma said she would do renovations overnight. Caramelizing sugar in a cast iron frying pan, quickly dipping walls into the syrup to cement them together while burning her fingers, she managed to salvage the sad, supposedly easy to assemble house. Now with all that syrup bubbling on the stove the architect got to business with graham crackers to create a village. and so it was on several visits the younger five grandchildren had the opportunity to decorate a little house with a little front yard with as much or little candy as they wanted, some with less as the sugarplums just disappeared into tasting compartments. Then Gramma sent them all home to be naughty or nice on a sugar high!!

1 comment:

Edie said...

The grandies master pieces. Love them.