Friday, March 31, 2023


"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold:

 when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade."

Charles Dickens (Great Expectations)

It had been brought to my attention that my last blog post was in November, where I was wrapping up summer ( which already sounded strange) when all words on Picking Posies went silent for 4 months.

Time slipped by in a mostly dreary winter as the dreaded Covid virus kept the 2 of us housebound over Christmas and New years. Between fevers, coughs, aches and pains,  bundled in different beds; with foggy brains and energy zapped, the year slipped away unnoticed. January held me in a continuing fog and lethargy. No walks in which to capture photos of icy creeks and trees laden with snow. No inspiration to write, sketch, paint or make cards. 

And then a friend asked me to enjoy a pot of tulips while they were away. Setting them near my kitchen window I watched them grow noticeably each day until they bloomed in beautiful shades of orange, and one red one. My senses were awakened to some of my favourite things.

 We toasted the first day of spring with sparkling pear juice

 and I began to patch words together.


For me the sun rose over the peak of the garage roof

as I sat in my nook with face lifted, eyes closed

bathed in its warm brilliance.

I lingered over my Lent devotional with 

words from the Son of God

and actions of his devoted friend

that left a deafening memory of

costly perfume that bathed his feet.

He the 'light of the world'

His feet

walking forward in His last week 


death and resurrection

on another first day of Spring.

Trudy Peters


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