A year ago our piano was assessed as 'unacceptable', so after much deliberation and sadness it was trundled down a flight of stairs to be overhauled in the workshop. With great care it was stripped apart; keyboard, soundboard, pedals, hammers and strings, all carefully stored in boxes. The 200 pound steel backboard fetched $6.00 at a metal scrap recycling depot. And then what? The hollow wooden case was sanded, modifications made, coated with a new shine and deemed fit as my new eclectic sideboard in the dining room. Maybe I'll feature it on another blog. I love it!

With great enthusiasm, a production line began, secretly hidden from any curious eyes until Christmas day, when they were packed into sacks decorated with birds in snow covered branches. Four bird houses for our four children and their families to treasure a little nostalgia from their days of piano lessons and often reluctant practicing.

Some of the feathered friends that graced our birch tree during the Christmas season.

The forsythia bush was just twittering with activity. All but one little sparrow scattered when they saw my camera movements. I was reminded of these verses from Matthew's gospel.
" Aren't two sparrows sold for a penny?
But your Father knows
when one of them falls to the ground."
" Look at the birds in the sky.
They don't plant or harvest.
They don't even store grain in barns.
Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them.
Aren't you worth more than birds?"
We have an awesome God to trust.

My Christmas cactus blossoms took flight like exotic birds in the New Year. What intricate beauty and detail to make my heart glad during this dreary month.
1 comment:
I'm so glad you have a working camera again. I enjoy your pictures a lot. Thanks. It was good seeing you today. Thanks for dropping in the store.
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