The landscape on Monday morning was almost a whiteout, with wet, slushy, 'coastal' snow clumping on the trees and making shoveling a heavy - duty task. Fog settled in our valley as well, making the white even more impenetrable. It was perfect snow for making snowmen and even snow families which are seen dotted on front yards. Great photo moments, but alas, my camera had a whiteout. This is all I saw through my viewfinder.

I have almost been in 'withdrawal' mode not being able to capture the moments. The camera specialist called it a failed sensor which would be quite costly to repair. Of course in the next breath she was eager to show us options to replace poor dead camera. Maybe it will be an early birthday gift! I can't believe how important my camera has become in this blogging adventure, and I hope to be adding colour to my posts very soon. Until then, I will absorb beauty with my eyes and hold it in my memory.
" Memory ... is the diary that we all carry about with us."
Oscar Wilde
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