Friday, May 24, 2024


            A new morning and we joined a bus to tour to

                             Rothenburg ob Tauber ( Tauber River)

Rothenburg ob Tauber is a fairy-tale wonderland on Germany's famed Romantic Road. It is Germany's best preserved walled town of the Middle Ages, founded in the 10th century. A 4 km fortified wall wraps itself around this picturesque town.

                                           Flower boxes  and Wisteria adorn homes.

A stop at this sausage shop where we were treated
 to a tasting of five different sausages.

Cookoo clock heaven

Famous Christmas store

 Teddy sat high above the street blowing bubbles. 
Unfortunately the video did not translate to my blog.

My lunch was Kartoffelpuffer (potato pancakes with applesauce)

Fuelled up by lunch we climbed this steep, narrow, 
dark stairway to the top of the city wall. 

From the wall we had cool views of the town below.

Houses in the colourful hues like sorbet.

Peepholes in the city walls used for defence in years gone by.

One of many gates and towers.

So impressed with the antiquity on this trip.

In 1631, during the Thirty Years War, Rothenburg was taken by imperial troops. 
The mayor saved the town by drinking 3 litres of wine in a single gulp.

A face above a city gate to ward off evil spirits.

A day well spent in this enchanting medieval town.

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