Sometimes one can get caught up with the BIG picture, the vibrant landscape, the obvious. As I try and recapture the changing seasons in this second year of blogging, I have once again asked God to show me details, the hidden treasures, the beauty in the little things, the ordinary. And should I be surprised that my prayer is answered? It continues to make my heart glad to discover details I missed last year, or see them anew in a different perspective.

Sycamore seed pods.

For the birds.

Phlox stars.

Acorns hiding.

Seed head on Ninebark.

Ladybug, Ladybug, fly away home.

Autumn Joy sedum.

Monkshood blossoms.

Grapevine tendrils.

Lilac seeds.

Sumac cone.

Amur Maple helicopters
Simplicity is not customary
to be appreciated as extraordinary.
To draw me into sanctuary
God highlights the quite ordinary
engaging me in imagery,
held in memory or just momentary.
Simplicity is not customary
but exquisite for the visionary.
Trudy - 2009

Beautiful post and poem! I love this one! The contrast between the white phlox and orange acorn leaves is so pretty.
Love your pictures.
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